The final phase of the EU light bulb ban came into effect late last year, meaning halogen lightbulbs are now banned across Europe with the intention of improving energy efficiency and cutting carbon emissions across the EU. This could save business in the UK millions of pounds every year.

Consumer advice website,, showcases the most energy-efficient products and has said that LEDs are the best replacement for halogen lightbulbs. LEDs are important due to their efficiency and low energy consumption compared to other conventional light sources.

Various benefits of LED lightbulbs include:

  • LED lights can last over 40 times longer than average bulbs- our LED lights at Ecusol have a life span in the region of 10 years of 24/7 use.
  • They consume a huge amount less energy than traditional lightbulbs, such as halogen bulbs, making them a much cheaper alternative for businesses.
  • LED lightbulbs have been proven to have many health benefits for an entire workforce, including improved concentration and motivation, and lower stress levels.
  • LEDs don’t emit infrared or ultraviolet radiation, unlike other forms of lightbulbs, meaning there is no burn hazard present to a workforce.
  • LEDs can be dimmed to 10% of light output while most traditional lightbulbs can only reach about 30% of full brightness. 

Brad Patchcott, Managing Director at Ecusol Environment says “the ban on halogen lightbulbs is long overdue, changing them to our LEDs could save up to 95% on lighting costs and more importantly it will have far less impact on the environment.”

After recently fitting LED lighting at Leisure Furnishings Ltd as part of their environmental commitment to reduce carbon, Tim Britton (Business Improvement Manager) said “reduction in energy has been observed with savings of 69%, equating to over £5000 reduction in the first 12 months. More importantly we have seen a reduction in excess of 25 tons of carbon per year. Since the installation it is now easier to find faults within the fabrics which, in turn, has improved quality of product to our customers. Within the office, a more natural light has improved the ambiance with comments from employees stating that they do not feel as tired by the end of the day.

Find out more about our range of LED lights and the cost and environmental benefits they can have for your business by calling our team on 0191 375 9644 or emailing